Monday 27 May 2019

Interest Inventory

We skimmed a number of topics surrounding World War II.  If you had the opportunity to study one element of this war more thoroughly, what would it be? Explain why your interest takes you there...

Friday 17 May 2019

Phoney War

Although WWII technically started in September,  1939, the fighting started in April 1940.  Is calling this period of time a Phoney War accurate?  Explain why you agree or disagree with that statement.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

The Between War Years

This past unit was one where the Totalitarian Rulers rose to power in a variety of nations.  It was also a unit of economic hardships.  What were 2 of the most interesting things that were discussed or presented during this unit.

Sunday 14 April 2019

The Dirty Thirties

Some reports say that Canada, specifically  the prairie provinces, were hardest hit during the Great Depression of the 1930s.  Whether you agree with this or not is not the question... the question is why would people say this?

See the source image

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Totalitarian Rulers

We looked at 5 beliefs or philosophies that a totalitarian ruler has... extreme nationalism, racial purity, devotion to a leader, creation of a scapegoat and use of violence/war.  Which of these do you think a successful dictator would rely most heavily on and which one do you think could be removed from the list... explain your thoughts.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Why do people follow the extremists?

This next unit is about the rise of totalitarian rulers.  When we study these rulers, we often wonder "why" people would follow such extremists... what are some reasons you have seen in your experience, whether personal or learned...

Tuesday 19 March 2019

What do you think?

We have spent the last 6 weeks studying the first 19 years of the 20th century... focusing around World War One.  Of everything we studied this unit, what do you think had the largest impact or interest level for you.  Please give a reason for this.

Friday 8 March 2019

Glory of War

The First World War ended the notion that war is glorious.  There are many reasons why this statement can be considered true... or you could say that there never was glory in war and World War One reinforced this.  Please give your opinion on this plus one or two examples to support your thoughts.


Wednesday 27 February 2019

Canada and WWI

Canada was said to become a nation during WWI, despite becoming a country in 1867.  Give one or two reasons why you think this statement has been said.

Monday 11 February 2019

Pre WWI Tensions

We looked at 4 key reasons why tensions were running high prior to WWI:
1) Nationalism
2) Economic Rivalry
3) Alliance System
4) Weapons or Arms Race
Which one or two do you think are MOST responsible for the start of the war and WHY?

Sunday 3 February 2019

100+ Year’s of Change

We’ve been looking at what life was like at the beginnng of the 20th century...what do you think are 2 of the biggest changes that society has seen since then?