Monday 11 February 2019

Pre WWI Tensions

We looked at 4 key reasons why tensions were running high prior to WWI:
1) Nationalism
2) Economic Rivalry
3) Alliance System
4) Weapons or Arms Race
Which one or two do you think are MOST responsible for the start of the war and WHY?


  1. Nationalism is the most responsible for WW1 tensions. Countries became concerned with being superior and gaining or maintaining power and influence. As a result of this economic rivalry, an arms race and then an alliance system happened.

  2. In my opinion Alliance systems combined with Nationalism are most responsible for the outbreak of war. It is the passion the people held for their country and the threat of outside alliances that caused heavy tension and eventually the beginning of the war.

  3. I think the most responsible for the start of the World War 1 is Alliance System and weapons or Arms race. My reason is that the Alliance system formed which that causes tension between the countries and knowing your enemies has alliance going on, you would want to be the best alliance system out there and would want to prove that to the people. Added to that, while the Alliance is going on, the technological development is also a race and competition. Like having the best tank, guns, machinery etc. This and the Alliance system, combined together caused conflicts which sparked up when people had to prove that they are better than each other. I think those two points are the most responsible.

    Amy Kim.

  4. The most responsible reasons would be Alliance System and Economic Rivalry. Alliance System was the reason Germany and Russia were brought in, thus leading France into the mix. Germany was allied with Austro-Hungary and Russia was allied with Serbia, who both were going into war. Economic Rivalry, at the time, was between Germany and England. They both wanted to be the strongest world powers.

  5. I think that Nationalism was the most responsible for the start of the war because if you think about it, Economic rivalry and the weapons and arms race were only a thing because each country had pride in their country and thought that they were better which is basically what nationalism is. Also wars start when someone wants to show that the way they do things is better by slaughtering the opposing team which is pretty much what happened. -Eric

  6. The two main reasons responsible for the beginning of WW1, in my opinion, would be nationalism and the alliance system. Nationalism was a contributing factor to the start of WW1 as the major powerhouse countries during this time such as Germany, France, Britain and Russia were concerned with expanding both their territory and influence which was most often done through war. The alliance system was another spark that resulted in the First World War as it turned a small dispute or battle between just Serbia and Austria into a massive war as the countries previously aligned with those countries were now called into war to both defend and fight for their allies and try to extend their influence which turned a small dispute into a four year world war. Abby Ellis

  7. One tension that contributed to WW1 would be nationalism, considering that a few countries were willing to do what it took to show that they were more superior. After Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated Austria and Hungary were facing great conflict and brought in some major powers in order to show they were bigger and better and that the opposing side should back off. It continued to grow until all major powers were involved. This also leads into the alliance system and how they were all willing to help prove they were more superior. This domino effect ended up bring all major powers in even when it was unintentional, as in crossing over Belgium and bringing in a whole new set of rivals. Both of those factors contributed to the out break of WW1.

  8. I think nationalism is the most responsible for the start of the war because nationalism caused the other main sources of tension. The economic rivalry was created because they wanted their country to be the best. Everyone wanted to be recognized as the top country because they believed that they were the best. The arms race started for basically the same reasons as the economic rivalry.The alliance system started because people wanted to protect their countries because they loved their country. Nationalism also made people more willing to fight in the war because they wanted to defend their country. They had complete faith in their country and would not stand for someone dishonoring or disrespecting any part of their country.This made it easy for tensions to build between the nations.-zaylee

  9. i think that the reason causing the most tension prior to WW1 is the economic rivalry because we learn that war and battles are often a result of the three Gs gold, glory and god. so the Economic rivalry is a competition for gold and riches inside their own country causing poor work conditions and increased taxes which people are never excited for so both Britain and Germany would blame the opposition for these condition. This resulted in difference between these nations being a leading factor going in the war. -S.G

  10. I believe the most responsible tension for world war one and why it kept growing was because of the alliance system. since a lot of the countries were intertwined and made alliances as soon as one country was threatened or attacked it seemed as though another came into play to defend there allied country and thus growing as a chain creating world war one on a wide scale. - piper

  11. I think the main thing was Nationalism, people by nature are very prideful and everyone kinda wanted their country to be top dog. Nationalism also was the start of things like economic rivalry and arms race. The alliance system was also another thing, it kinda had a butter fly effect where if you fought one country others would jump in. - Nathan Schmidt

  12. I believe that nationalism is one of the main reasons for causing WWI. Nationalism is what led the black hand to kill the Austria-Hungarian Arch Duke, and is one of the reason for Germany and Britain were rivals in the Arms race and striving to be #1 economically and globally. Also every nation wanted to have the better allies than their rivals. so really Nationalism is plays a part in all the reasons causing the first world war.
