Tuesday 26 March 2019

Why do people follow the extremists?

This next unit is about the rise of totalitarian rulers.  When we study these rulers, we often wonder "why" people would follow such extremists... what are some reasons you have seen in your experience, whether personal or learned...


  1. Some people find the earge to follow these extremists because they feel like a part of something bigger than they are themselves, they feel like they have a purpose or there are certain benefits for following said leader. not all people may be willing to follow but feel the need to because they think if they dont there will be consequences. - piper

  2. Totalitarian rulers are people who know how to feed off of the insecurities of the people. They provide a false sense of security, safety and contentment. They fuel the public by bringing them together into groups and offering every individual the chance to feel important and needed. This sense of importance and newfound pride blinds people. Extremists are incredibly charismatic and provide for the public what they want, though it may not be right, as a means to gain and keep power. It is because of this charisma and intellect that people begin to blindly follow those who can make them feel a sense of 'importance'.

  3. Reasons that people would follow extremists would depend on their situation. If the sitaution they are in requires an extreme approach, they are going to go for the extremists group or person for their aid. Insecurity would, also, lead to people to follow an extremist. The extremist could offer them a new way to feel confident, which will convince any insecure person to join their side. There is also the threat of punishment. If the extremist has the means to punish someone who disobeys, people will follow the extremist due to fear of discipline. The extremist can promise the people a chance for a future of success (though maybe by dastardly means) and tap into their pride, making them do almost anything, because pride is something that a lot of people fight for.

  4. Some people constantly feel the need to be a part of something, especially the ones who does not belong in a group of people or does not have friends. I learned that people who are insecure in themselves, not confident, or have little or no self esteem are the ones who follow the crowd and do whatever everyone else is doing. I have seen this happen during gym class where people are choosing to do something that everyone else is doing because majority of the people are doing it. For example, people were scared that other students were going to judge them if they choose the option of 12 minute run because everyone hated it, and even though they might've wanted to do it, they didn't choose that option because they were scared of the judgments. Also, the video "The Wave" clearly shows us that people felt that they were superior to the others because they were a "group" and had more powers. Everyone was afraid of to stand up for themselves. I think the reason for the people to be following the extremists might be because they want to be a part of something or they are scared not to be part of the group because of maybe the physical or emotional abuse (if they don't join, you might be the outsider and get hurt). And because everyone else is doing it, it may seem right to be doing the whatever act they are doing.
    Amy Kim

  5. Most great leaders are also great performers, It takes a certain amount of charisma and flare to get a crowd to follow you, Most extremists like Hitler used the charm in their words, to make others feel special or important. Like they're part of something bigger than themselves. Hitler won his people over by making feel elite, the best, and who doesn't like feeling this way? - Nathan Schmidt

  6. Extremists gain their influence through manipulation. By creating an organization where everyone is equal attracts the outcast crowd, by creating a ranking within these organizations increases the support from each of the followers and by creating a divide between society (being the group versus individuals) it makes supporters feel like they are part of something big. Extremists took their own belief, such as Hitler and the extermination of specific peoples, and spread their influence in such a way that it became appealing to a vast majority of people despite their differences and the injustices they were committing. Manipulation is huge in gaining followers; if these leaders could make huge masses of people believe in the same cause as their own, they could rally and a little system of society forms within these extremist groups to the point where people cannot see out or see the reality of what the are doing. Abby Ellis

  7. these rulers are intimidating and feared by the people because of their hearse punishments so those that don't agree they follow due to fear of what will be done to them or their families. Others just follow to feel apart of something and would be loyal to their leader regardless. but once majority of people support then many people will as well so they aren't isolated away from these people they once supported -S.G

  8. People tend to follow others because they are insecure and the other person offers them a way to feel confident and included as well as offering structure. Insecure people crave attention and assurance which being part of a group and following a leader's instructions gives them. We know that if we do as we're told we will be praised or at least not scolded from our parents' raising us. All people like structure and order. Humans are herd animals and every animal in a herd knows their place. There is usually a leader and a second in command with all the other animals doing what the leader wants like in a horse herd with a stallion and lead mare.This means that we like structure as well as avoiding things that are difficult. Making our own choices and going against the group is hard, doing as you're told is easy. Extremists who have followers are people who know how to give people what they want. As long as we are getting what we want we don't really care what happens to others especially if we are given a righteous cause. Following an extremist with a goal described as a righteous cause can make you go from feeling insecure to feeling like a god in a short amount of time because you are helping control things and doing it for everyone that matters benefit. -Zaylee

  9. I would say people follow extremists for a few different reasons. Possible reasons being that they give them something to believe in, something to be part of, targeting the outcasts that want to be included. Almost making people feel important to the cause and rewarding them if they do what you say to show others what you can do for them if they follow you. Making a community of your followers so they are all together sharing ideas and plans etc. Made people who followed feel equal and part of something bigger. Also used fear, people are afraid of what will happen to them if they do not follow or believe in the cause everyone else does, don't want to be seen as against them. Eventually it would slowly take over and people would begin to become easier to manipulate and nobody thinking for them self's so its easier for the extremist to gain their power.

  10. People often follow extremists when they are in a situation that calls for extreme measures. When people feel pushed or threatened, or a country is struggling economically, they grow more desperate and are willing to go father for security than they would normally. People also like feeling important, powerful, and successful. Totalitarian rulers are very charismatic and promise these kind of things to followers. If you give people a sense of purpose and some instructions and then surround them with like minded people, they will be happy enough to go along with whatever you say.

  11. While we watched the wave, the teacher set very strict rules and ended up making this group called the wave and it made everyone "equal" so it was very appealing for the people who were the "outcasts" like Robert. Since he was so strict about it and he made it seem like a sort of game all of the students got really into it and didn't think much of it. Then when enough people joined in, it became a huge group, and for the people who liked it, it was fun but some people didn't like it but they couldn't say anything without worrying about being heard by the wrong person. So they kept quiet and played along. If you were apart of this group it feels great to be apart of something so you want to protect it and make sure it stays. All these students firmly believed in Strength in discipline, community, action and pride. It got people to stop thinking about what they were doing because they were so absorbed into "The Wave" and it got out of control. And when the leader was asked to quit he said that all the students would lost and confused. Which is true because they had made it their lives and if it suddenly vanished they wouldn't know what to do. And the students had no clue that this was exactly what happened (sort of) with Hitler and his Nazi's.
