Tuesday 19 March 2019

What do you think?

We have spent the last 6 weeks studying the first 19 years of the 20th century... focusing around World War One.  Of everything we studied this unit, what do you think had the largest impact or interest level for you.  Please give a reason for this.


  1. In this unit the topic with the highest level of interest/impact for me was our studies of the trench warfare. It was enlightening to reach a better understanding of what the trenches were like and the trials/tribulations of living and fighting in the trenches.

  2. The advances in technology and new weapons was interesting because it revolutionized war and would later go on to impact the second world war and even our militarizes today.

  3. The most interesting thing that we covered for me was the Eastern Front. Majority of the time, we are mostly listening to the Western Front and stories from there, so it was nice to hear from the Eastern perspective. Plus, all the drama made it seem funnier than it was.
    - Rylee

  4. I'd say universal suffrage was a big thing. It gave alot of people rights thaat normally wouldn't. Now you can vote despite your situation when it comes to land ownership, race, social status, and income. -NS

  5. I was most interested in the Eastern front because there was a lot more drama involved in the whole thing and I finally understand what Ra Ra Rasputin is about. The mobility of the eastern front makes it more interesting to study for me personally.There's a lot more stuff to follow which makes it interesting. The Czar, Czarina, and Rasputin ordeal is also rather entertaining to talk about. It is like a soap opera which I really appreciate. -Zaylee

  6. For me, the biggest impact was definitely being able to look into the specifics of each individual battle fought during WW1. The Battle of the Somme was by far the most interesting for me. It very accurately represented what war really was; that each men was fighting for a cause and ultimately was just a number. War was glorified before it was fought because no one knew quite yet what it was but now, in the 21st century, it has been glorified again through video games and movies so people misinterpret the actual reality and horror these soldiers had to live through. The hardest realization is that millions upon millions of men lost their lives in such brutal ways for ideas and values that we take for granted and completely disregard today. Abby Ellis

  7. My favorite unit we took that i took the most interest in would probably be when we talked about the road to war and the Balkans crisis. I found it very interesting to learn about what caused the war to begin and what problems brought what countries in and all the different sides. Almost like a very dramatic Tv series, really draws you in. My favorite part was learning about the Schleiffen plan and how one tiny mistake brought so many other countries into battle and was totally unexpected.

  8. I personally had the most interest in Learning about the Western front because it was a terrible place to be at the time (for obvious reasons) so it's interesting to think if I was alive during the war that would be me out there and imagining me and my friends out there shooting up some Nazis is pretty spooky.

  9. a topic that I found most interesting was in the alliances, it was amazing to see how many countries were actually apart of the alliances and who had lost or given up. when we learned about Russia and the singing of the treaty of Brest-litovsk to get them out of the war and realized what was going to happen to all of the troops on the eastern front being transported to the western mi glad the US decided to jump into the battle.- piper

  10. the amount of casualties i think had the biggest impact on myself because i knew WW1 had an insanely high amount of victims and casualties but never really comprehended the severity of it being 38 million dead or injured and knowing this help me understand what that must have done to the world and all the women and children and what was left of the men to rebuild after this mass destruction to the people land and families -S.G

  11. The things that I found interesting in this unit was the loyalty of the people to their countries. From my understanding, the psychology of most people are to have the security of belonging to something. The war was for anyone who is male and from age 16 and up can join. This probably helped some people who were not a big part of anything in their life to be someone who has served loyally to their country and getting acknowledged by others. Its similar to as "gangs'. This I find interesting, and also the tensions between countries I also found interesting. It almost seemed as if the people were waiting for war and was like if you do it, I will show you how powerful I am. The conflict between people were always present among people, however, at this point in time, it was "time" to prove to other countries that they were superior than the others. But because of this, women had the chance to prove their and our worthiness. Just the chain of things this war changed over the time is very interesting to me.

  12. World War 1 had the most interest too me and also I believe the biggest impact on the world. The great war made Canada what it was today, showed the world what a power house the USA was, it destroyed the Kaiser and brought the Tsar to its knees setting the building blocks for another devastating war. -Landon
