Friday 17 May 2019

Phoney War

Although WWII technically started in September,  1939, the fighting started in April 1940.  Is calling this period of time a Phoney War accurate?  Explain why you agree or disagree with that statement.


  1. I do not believe that it should be labelled a "Phoney War". Although lives were not being lost and ground wasn't being gained or lost; the effort to mobilize the countries for war was still on-going and the civilians within these countries would be feeling these efforts. The production of ammunition, the training of soldiers, building of planes and new weaponry was taking people away from their regular ordinary lives thus making the name "Phoney War" unfitting for all the people who gave up their time and lives to mobilize their country till their troops were truly deployed. Abby Ellis

  2. I disagree, only because the fighting wasn't happening on land or in the air, the people like Jews or the Polish people were already getting persecuted by the Germans. And just because people aren't fighting, doesn't mean the soldiers and other helpers in war was getting trained to fight during these times. There just wasn't a lot of deaths, but I still feel that it had the vibe of a war. Amy kim

  3. I do agree that the statement is accurate, even tho war was publicly declared and certain countries weren't so happy with each other, if the actually fighting, or the war if u will, didn't start till 1940 then all the other stuff before is technically build up. My birthday party can be declared a week in advance but my birthday still isn't for a week. - Nathey Westside

  4. i don't think that is an accurate statement, while its true not much conflict took place, it is all the same war. and both sides had to prepare and make strategies for how they gain any advantage. so , instead of calling it a phoney war, i think the proper way to describe it is, the preparation stage.

  5. I wouldn't call it a Phoney war, I would call it more of a preparation period for both sides. During this period of time, each country used the opportunity to build up their army for the true battle. So while no battle may have occurred, Both sides were now very prepared for a long war and being prepared is half the battle.

  6. I would agree with the statement that it was a 'phoney' war. War is characterized by actual combat. One can also feud economically or with the power of the media. For example many 'bombing raids' took place in which pamphlets were dropped to provide the German populace with an outside view of Hitler. However, I would not consider these actions to truly be a war.

  7. I somewhat agree with calling it the phoney war because the war was kind of stagnant until the events a year after when the germans took action by taking over Denmark and battling other countries such as Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. they also attacked norway but they held on until june. - Piper

  8. I disagree because just because you can't see something happening or something minor happened when you expected something major doesn't mean that it is not happening. There was not as big of start to the war as people expected but that doesn't mean that there wasn't fighting. Countries were readying their armies and their countries for the fighting that was about to happen which usually only happens in or near war time. Poland was being occupied in this time which was a big deal for them in every way including militarily. Ships were being sunk and people were spreading information to cause unrest in Nazi Germany. People were still fighting and engaged in the war conflict, it just wasn't as flashy as people thought it would be. i think calling it a phony war undermines the struggles that people experienced in this time due to the war declarations. -Zaylee

  9. Calling it a Phoney War would mean that nothing really happened, when a bunch of things happened during that period. All sides of the fronts where planning and gathering their resources, spewing threats at their opponents. It took the civilians from normal civilian to working, producing the weapons and machinery the war effort needed. It wasn't a Phoney War, it was a prelude to the bigger, more devastating part of it.

  10. I have to disagree with the name Phoney War, even though there wasn't lives being lost due to bombs or countries being taken over, countries were still using up there time and effort in attempt to get there countries ready and mobilized for the war. Still having to prepare men and families, possibly striking the same amount of fear and anxiety for the coming war and the possible out comes from it. The people having to leave there ordinary lives and preparing for something not many want to prepare for, there still was conflict just not as harsh as the war would eventually come too. I feel that saying its Phoney doesn't show the countries struggles or fright and almost seems like none of the troubled times happened.

  11. During this time there wasn't much conflict doing on but war had already been declared and they had been a small amount of action such as Blitzkrieg on Poland and concentration camps were already in use so war crimes were already committed but i wouldn't think of this as a phony war because the slaves minorities were already feeling the pain of war. also being a troop of any waiting of the Fields for attack or defense would seem all too real at this point. many people in safe places and across seas might think of it was a phony war but im sure many people thought it was in full effect as they are being ripped from their homes and sent to Ghettos- seth
