Wednesday 8 May 2019

The Between War Years

This past unit was one where the Totalitarian Rulers rose to power in a variety of nations.  It was also a unit of economic hardships.  What were 2 of the most interesting things that were discussed or presented during this unit.


  1. The two most interesting things we studied this unit were totalitarian rulers and the stories of the great depression. I found it very interesting to discuss the differences between Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini; especially their different methods of gaining and maintaining power. I was most interested in the stories that we were read from the depression. They were very heartfelt and powerful, it was incredibly interesting to hear a first person account of life during the depression.

  2. One interesting thing we learned during the totalitarian unit was the only real way the Canadians got out of the Great Depression (as well as many other countries) was World War 2. Another interesting fact would be about the kristallnacht. It was interesting to learn that something so big like the persecution of Jews could have started in one night.

  3. What I found interesting was the Totalitarian rulers had similarities in their personality. I know that they are different individuals, however the way they thought and did things was very similar. I found that at hard times, people want Totalitarian rulers, because they realize they need those kinds of people to put things into action to get a better life, which I thought was interesting. Many did refuse to follow these rulers, but the fear factor came in and they had to deal with it even though they did not agree to it. Amy Kim

  4. I found that two of the most interesting concepts I learned during our Totalitarian Unit was how brutal and inhumane those totalitarian rulers truly were; it amazed me how a leader can see their own people suffering and choose to do nothing about it or even worse, try to exterminate your own people with seemingly no remorse for those actions. Another point that interested me was the life of a family living through the Great Depression. The story we had read in class about the family that attempted to commit suicide in their vehicle completely changed my outlook on the Depression entirely. Instead of viewing it as a family happening to have to ration their food until the economy picked up, I saw it as a family with absolutely nothing, know where to go and know idea when things were going to get better. The Totalitarian Unit was a gruesome and eye-opening one that helped me better understand how greatly life has improved for us today. Abby Ellis

  5. It was interesting to learn about how severely Saskatchewan was struck but the great depression in the 30s because I've heard about it but this year was the first time its been thought to us. Also reading about and learning why the 3 totalitarian rulers we learned about and how similar they actually are to each other. -Gray

  6. an interesting point that i had learned in this unit is actually about Hitler, Mrs.Nelson discussed in class that when Hitler and the prime minister of Canada met together. The prime minister described him as nice and charismatic despite all of his evil intentions. and i also thought this was crazy since he was demonstrated as an evil being. another thing i found interesting was how similar each totalitarian ruler was, between all of them having concentration camps and using the same techniques to gain power and also some of those techniques also differ as well. - Piper

  7. One of the most interesting things in this unit was doing the projects where a lot of people compared Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin. Learning about all the ways they were the similar was pretty neat. Also interesting, was learning about the Great Depression in Canada and how it effected people on the prairies. Usually when people talk about it they talk about Oklahoma were it was quite bad but, it was also bad in our own province.

  8. I found the similarities in Hitler's, Mussolini's, and Stalin's past interesting and the dramatic impact of The Great Depression on Canada to be interesting as well. I didn't expect three people from three different countries to have so much in common but it kind of makes sense. I guess it takes certain people under certain circumstances to be able to do what they did. It was just really cool to hear how they all came from poor backgrounds, all were arrested,etc. The impact of The Great Depression on Canada was interesting because I hadn't realized how bad it was for Canadians at that time. I knew it was bad I just didn't realize how bad it was before. So learning about it was eye opening I guess to the stuff my family probably had to deal with just to survive. Especially since we live in Saskatchewan and are farmers which was not easy or good back then because of the drought.

  9. one of the most interesting things we had learned in class was how Stalin rose and claimed power in Russia, forming the USSR. it was interesting seeing how he didn't trust anyone and would have millions of people executed and imprisoned because they didn't agree with what he was doing. Another thing that interested me was how Mussolini didn't do anything with the church and how the church paid a blind eye to what Mussolini was doing in Italy.

  10. I personally thought it was interesting how Germany was really screwed over during the end of WW1, how their military was cut and limited, as well as the amount they had to pay to reparations. It's also Ironic how this also helped indirectly cause WW2, their victory fueled some things that allowed Hitler get into power. NATHAN SCHMIDT IV ESQUIRE.Dictated but not read

  11. During this unit i found it extremely interesting but at the same time somewhat disturbing how the totalitarian rulers gained and maintained there power. How they could treat other humans so inhumanely, like they are nothing. It also interests me, out of the people who survived how they survived and how much of a struggle it was and the constant fear they faced, honestly somewhat unbelievable.
