Thursday 3 March 2016

The Eastern Front

In reality, Russia really fought 2 wars during 1914-1917.  They fought an international war against the Central Powers but they also had an internal (civil) war within their own nations.  The Russian Revolution outlasted their international war.  Why would Russia change their focus from the World War to their internal struggles?


  1. They switched to their internal struggles because without a stable government to run a country it would be hard to find troops willing enough to go almost to certain death against the Germans. Another reason is that if they are fighting against each other, killing their own potential troops. They need economy to build an army and its impossible to when there is an internal battle.

  2. Russia had to control their internal struggles before the world war because of Russia lost control of their nation they probably would have lost control of their army so they wouldn't have been able to even fight in the world war. And also if they didn't get control of their nation and just let it spiral out of control pretty soon all hope for Russia probably would have been lost.

  3. To make people think that they were not focusing on the international war.

  4. If Russia didn't first focus on the internal war then their citizens of the army most likely would not want to be apart of the war against other countries. If the war in Russia got even more aggressive, then they might end up killing too many troops and then easily get defeated by the central powers. It's better to have a stable country who isn't at war against each other, rather than having to fight two wars, one against your own people.

  5. If Russia didn't first focus on the internal war then their citizens of the army most likely would not want to be apart of the war against other countries. If the war in Russia got even more aggressive, then they might end up killing too many troops and then easily get defeated by the central powers. It's better to have a stable country who isn't at war against each other, rather than having to fight two wars, one against your own people.

  6. Russia would change their focus from the world war to their civil war because how were they supposed to fight off Germany when they were being eaten on the inside also? When the pulled out of the war, the fighting with Germany on the outside stopped. They needed to pull out because of the tensions on the inside and outside, Russia wouldve destroyed themselves.
