Saturday 20 February 2016

Technology and WWI

We have discussed and watched a video on some of the technology that was introduced or used extensively for the first time during WWI.  What implication did that have on how war was fought & ultimately on the morale of the soldiers fighting that war?

Image result for wwi airplanes


  1. the soldiers that didn't have the high tech stuff would of felt afraid to go against the people who did have the tanks, planes and machine guns. etc..... also the people who have the high tech stuff would have been afraid to use the stuff. But after a while they would have gotten used to it and would be fine. Also they would feel like superman, and go against every country to gain stuff.

  2. advanced technology helped for war to be fought not so much man on man contact. this introduced technology that made fighting in a war much more effective. things like chemical warfare, automatic rifles, etc. this made war more effective and really increased the arms race tensions between nations. technology also helped the morale of soldiers because it was more of machines doing the work rather than men running out onto the battlefield with swords. it presented a strategy that was less likely to get you killed. you could still be effectively fighting in war with no contact from the opposition. it made soldiers more 'comfortable' fighting in war.

  3. the solider didn't know what the weapons the other army where using so when they got on the other side there would be machine guns ready to cut them down and they use tanks to get more of the army to the middle of the battle field and and to gain more ground the air planes where use to take pictures on the enemy bases and they could see where they are and they and put cannons and take them out and take out there bases from a distance.

  4. The new technology impacted the war by giving different countries advantages. Germany had tear or mustard gas which basically melted soldiers lungs when inhaled. The Lewis gun was another huge changing point. Being able to fire consecutive rounds without reloading was big, along with the damage it was able to do. This new advancements in rifles and machine guns had a massive psychological effect as well. Watching your friends head explode like a water melon or watching your allies get mowed down at the knees had to take a toll on one's mind. Tanks were a new concept and worked, but not as effective as others said. Britain started tunneling under ground and planting explosives to upset the enemy. All of these advancements in war weapons and strategies had an impact on how the war turned out.

  5. there was many different advantages in advancements in technology. Like when the Brits first took advantage of airplanes they used them with cameras so they could find out where the trenches are and where the enemies are. The Germans had mustard gas that when the enemies inhaled it into their lungs they died, also both sides had figured out that if they tunnel under enemy lines they can blow up a large area of enemy territory. With the tunneling and plans this was a huge advantage that isn't widely talked about but they generally pinpoint where to put bomb in the tunnel. Both sides had tanks that had never been used in war they were very heavily armored. These tanks also had large missiles inside of them, even though they didn't move very fast, packed a punch. Submarines were another thing that were never used before in war and they had been a huge advantage in the long run. Even though both sides had huge advancements in technology germany had still lost.

  6. The new technology that all the countries were getting for the war impacted the war greatly and in many different ways. Technology gave many advantages to countries through out the war ranging from using takes to Germany using different gases to kill. The technology made it easy to navigate and fight the opponent. If technology wasn't improving as much as it was in WW1 then the war might have ended differently. It totally changed the way people fight it made them fight more fluently, secretly, and more strategic then ever before. It made it easily for both sides to kill each other. It changed the soldiers to because it meant that they had to be smarter about the way they fought and the way they handled themselves.

  7. It definitely changed the way of war by introducing technology that none of the soldiers were used to. It made the whole war way more deadly and scary because you were constantly vulnerable; even if you thought you were protected, airplanes, tanks, torpedoes, etc. could easily attack at any time. By adding in that kind of technology it would've made everything way harder than anyone probably expected. The soldiers probably felt very overwhelmed by everything, and surprised by the new way of war.

  8. Introducing new technology in WW1 impacted how the war was fought and the soldiers fighting greatly. First of all, the training had to be cautious because of everyone just learning how to use them and it has made the wars much more gore filled. Many more people have died because of the new technology which had made it a lot more scary.
