Sunday 20 March 2016

Extreme Leaders

There is an old adage, "extreme conditions require extreme measures".  Some say the extreme conditions that occurred after the First World War opened society up to the extreme leaders such as Mussolini, Stalin & Hitler.  After watching The Wave, what do extreme leaders offer so that otherwise good people follow someone blindly?


  1. people follow someone blindly because the leader promise them something great but most of the time in the long run and cant provide it.

  2. people follow someone blindly because the leader promises them something great but most of the time in the long run the can;t provide it. also the are promised power and success and they believe them, they do what they are told.

  3. Extreme leaders offer lots of different things to people that make them follow him/her. Extreme Leaders offer things such as power, equality, ect. Many offer success for discipline. Many good people are often excluded from groups and arnt always the top of the social chain so if leaders offer them equality and a group where everyone is the same this can often turn a good person who is independent and make them follow blindly just to be apart of something.

  4. The extreme leaders throughout history, serious or not, have all promised a new and improved life for their followers. A place to fit in, an organized group to belong to, or that their problems will be solved once they follow their rules. For example, Hitler said to his followers that the Jewish people were stealing their jobs and it was their fault that society wasn't where they wanted it to be. So, these people who believed him, thought it was a good idea to kill them off so all the world's problems will be solved.

  5. Extreme leaders offer many things. They offer a group in which everybody will be accepted if they act accordingly. They offer order and authority. They also offer a promise of a better or more improved society. so people agree to follow. and when they start making questionable choices, for example, Hitler abolishing Jews, they people had to consider; why would a leader who has brought such good things (authority, order, acceptance) to our country do anything in the wrong, that would put the country in jeopardy? so with the help of brainwashing they assume that what their leader is right.

  6. They offer equality and reinforce it with power and control. They offer the ability to be part of something big, to be "someone". usually good people have nothing to do with anyone so they are alone. Order and rules appeal to many people and make them blindly follow a ruler because of great "promised" rewards or a common goal wanted by all.

  7. Extreme leaders offer the feeling of importance and acceptance, if someone feels important and like they're apart of something then they will most likely be more willing to follow that leader. Many of the kids were not accepted in social society, so when their teacher made them part of something, they were more than happy to finally be considered important. Extreme leaders also tell people what to do so they don't have to make decisions on their own. Everything was in complete order and easy to follow.

  8. The leaders just need to show the people what they want to see. If the people wanna see their country great again they will sign up for war adn vote in a great ruler that says they will do what the people beleive in.
