Thursday 6 February 2020

Life in Early 20th Century

We've only just begun our course on 20th Century History.  In your opinion, what would have been 2 exciting elements of living during the early 1900s?  What would have been 2 challenges?

Image result for early 20th century candaImage result for early 20th century canda


  1. 2 exciting elements of living in the 1900s would be the inventions of new technologies and if you lived in Europe, the moving to the new countries like the U.S.A and later on Canada. 2 challenges would have been you didn't have a phone so it was hard to get into contact with people and only the rich had cars, so it was hard to get around to places.

  2. 2 exciting elements of living in the early 1900's would be: Technology is just starting to become a thing so it would be cool to live through the start of all those times to see how technology develops. Secondly, it would be interesting to see everything in the world to start develop because cars, planes, phones etc are all being made.
    2 Challenges of living in the early 1900's: If you were a girl in that time, you wouldn't have as many rights as men had. Secondly, another challenge is being there for world war 1, it would be a challenge to watch your country or other countries start fighting where your life is at risk.

    - Phoenix Graham

  3. 2 exciting elements of living in the 1900's.
    -getting to experience the different devices being invented at the time such as the telephone
    -the inventing of the car and using that instead of a horse drawn carriage
    2 challenges.
    -being a women and not having the right to vote and having to fight for my rights like voting and being able to choose a career.
    -the war that was prevalent in the world at the time
    -the widespread racism
    Miriam Stein

  4. one exciting aspect of living in the early 20th century would be seeing all the new inventions that were made, such as the airplane, the car and the telephone, even though at the time no one knew just how big of an impact these toys of the wealthy would have on the world in just a couple years. Another exciting aspect of the early 20th century would be seeing the world grow exponentially quickly, seeing once small villages boom into some of the biggest cities in the world. One challenge of the early 20th century would be being a settler in the western part of Canada, because at the time there was no guarantee that the supplies you need will come on time, that the land you settle will be fertile enough to farm, that the weather will be good or that the land you were promised would even be hospitable. One more example of how the 20th century might be challenging would be if you were any type of minority, be you black, Asian, native, Hispanic, female or for some weird reason Irish because at the time, the people who were most likely to make a living were white and there was serious discrimination. Grant Mckee

  5. Two exciting elements of living in the 1900's would be the Wright Brothers and their first successful airplane. Another one would be experiencing WW1 only to learn about the effects of the war. Two challenges would be not having fast transportation like our everyday vehicles and phones.

  6. 2 exciting times in the 1900's include the early boom of settlers to Canada's west and the rise of automobiles which revolutionized our society.
    2 challenges include the 1930's drought and depression which put many out jobs and much more lost their way of life. World war 1 caused the death of many and changed the way we see the world. -Brant Bannerman

  7. 2 challenges of living in the 1900's would be that there isn't much of any health care to help people when there ill. Another challenge would be travelling if you didn't have a horse or car at the time. 2 exciting elements of living in the 1900's would be being able to have better developing agriculture for food production. It also would be nice to see technology to develop before you and see the better production of goods and material.
    - Colin Wooff

  8. Two exciting things about the twentieth century is the distance communication and refinement of steam power. Distance communication, for example the telegraph, was a very useful thing to have so when you have urgent news about something to tell someone far away; they don't seem that far away. Steam power was refined in 1870, and helped increase ways of transportation. Steam power led to large ships for easier sail across oceans. Trains were fueled by steam as it chugged across the western landscape. Two challenges of this time period would be staying away from immigration and being a woman. North America attracted immigrants for they wanted a fresh start and a better future. Between the years 1861 and 1920, North America had over 45 million Europeans emigrated there.. However, being a woman 100 years ago was a tad more difficult because the inequality between the sexes was the established way of life. Women were treated as little more than property of men.

  9. 2 exciting elements of the 1900s would be:
    - By 1920, every state west of the Mississippi River allowed women to vote.
    - president Wilson suffered a blood clot that caused paralysis, partial blindness, and brain damage. for the incapable of meeting with lawmakers, governing, or performing the duties of the presidency; the first lady, Edith Wilson, stepped in and assumed his role.
    2 challenges:
    - the great depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the U.S. it was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.
    - working women had no choice but to work, often as domestics or factory workers, these jobs yielded very little in terms of power.
    By: C.R

  10. To begin with, life in the early 20th century was significantly different than the life individuals live today. Political views and stature, Economy, challenges, what they did for fun and societal norms are now completely different. In my opinion, two exciting elements in the 1900's for me would be the home-made entertainment. Since people back then had no access to the things we have today such as movie theaters, restaurants, social media etc... instead they would create their own entertainment and invite neighbors over to listen to radio stories together or play games. Another thing that i find interesting was that people often would plan a night for a dance, where anybody was welcome to just come out and dance for fun. Furthermore, two challenges people had to face in the 1900's was the discrimination and bigotry, not just towards people of color but towards women and immigrants as well. Because of this, women and people who weren't Caucasian were restricted to specific jobs and given a very limited amount of freedom to do what they want in their lives. Another obvious challenge that people faced was the stress of the world wars. Millions of brave soldiers and innocent victims had died because of the war. These deaths broke up families and caused a lot of devastation and grief of many people.
    -Kaitlyn G.
