Thursday 13 February 2020

Tensions Prior to WWI

We discussed 4 tensions that helped cause WWI. These were:  Military/Arms Race, Economic Rivalry, Alliance Systems, and Nationalism.  Which one or ones of these do you believe were the MOST significant in starting the war.  Explain why you think this.

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  1. I think that the two tensions that resulted in world war one would be alliances and nationalism. I believe this because Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a nationalist group, and as a result, Austria declared war on Serbia, which brought in Germany, Russia, France and Britain. this led to World War one. This is by Grant Mckee

  2. I believe that nationalism was the main reason for the start of world war 1. This is because many people wanted to prove there nation was the best and could beat anyone that came there way. Also some nations wanted to redeem themselves from past wars such as Russia with the Russo-Japanese war. last a lot of people also wanted to show that they had the best army with the greatest weapons.
    - Colin Wooff

  3. Nationalism, this idea sets extreme pride in a country, in turn nationalists believe that they are superior then others outside their region. In WW1 nationalism caused the arms race and economic rivalry, it caused nations to compete with each other and messed up the pecking order. Brant Bannerman

  4. i believe nationalism was definitely a big contributing factor in starting the war because nationalism is having extreme pride in your country, and each side thought their country was the absolute best and when one country thinks theirs is the best and the other country isn't, that could create a large disagreement, thus resulting in a war. - Ceanna

  5. I believe the alliance system was the most important tensions that helped cause WW1. This is because without all of these different Alliance systems the war would not have escalated into a full blow world war it would have stayed a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Russia would have had no excuse to join into the war and then Germany would have no reason to join the war because Russia was't in it and then France and Britain wouldn't have joined because Germany wasn't in it. Without all of these countries the conflict would have stayed relatively small and not have had such and devastating impact on the entire world.
    Miriam Stein.

  6. The one that was the most significant in starting the war would be nationalism. Nationalism is when you have extreme pride in your country. Almost every nation was bragging to themselves as being the best even if they don't have the backbone to back what they were saying up. However, some countries did back it up. For example: the Triple Alliance led by Germany. Germany was a pretty powerful country attempting to be as equal in strength as the United Kingdom. Nationalism started this war, because countries thought they were better then every other nation and wanted to prove it.

  7. I think the most significant in starting the war were military/arms race and economic rivalry. Every country in the war wanted to be the best so they all competed to do so. Germany had one of the best military groups so countries such as Britain and France wanted to beat them, because then they would be at the top. Countries wanted to have the best economies so they could have the most wealth. All the countries wanted to fight to be the best. -meredith broadfoot

  8. In my opinion, I believe that the most significant aspect in the increasing of tensions and ultimately the fuel source for the first World War was nationalism. Accordingly, every country has substantial patriotic feeling towards their home nation and would like to believe that they are the elite. It was exactly this attitude and destructive way of thinking that triggered the other three tensions. Additionally, the competition of economic rivalry was driven by people's nationalistic views as numerous countries scrambled for territory and eagerly built up their industries so that they may possibly gain status over other nations. Furthermore, it was also nationalism that prompted the Arms Race. Around the world, countries (mainly Britain and Germany) competed for military superiority. Afraid that other countries would gain advantage, they built massive armament programs to prove their competence. Furthermore, the fourth tension was the alliance system, which was also strongly influenced by nationalism as the entire point of the triple alliance was so that Germany could prove it was elite by taking over France, while the triple entente was formed so that France may have help in stopping the Germans so that it may retain their current status.
