Sunday 14 May 2017

Total War

World War II is considered a Total War.  What is a total war and how does it apply to this war?

Image result for WW2 planes          Image result for WW2 explosions


  1. Madison Total war is when all people are involved in the war whether or not they're fighting. This applies to WW2 because not everyone was fighting, but they helped throughout the war. Women were at home looking after children, cooking and cleaning and keeping up the home and most of all the men were fighting or at least making weapons or prepping people for the war

  2. Jayden Bannerman ww2 was total war because there would be battlefields in cities and i peoples backyards weather they liked it or not they got war is when all citizens weather in combat or not are involved in the war effort

  3. Drew
    Total war is when everything is unrestricted and anything goes, and all people are involved in some way or another. WW2 was a total war for the countries involved because they were using any kind of weapons they could think of and everybody was doing something to help their country in the war.

  4. A total war is when all the citizens in the country are involved in a war effort, whether they are in combat or not. It applies to this war because it was so completely consuming in everyday life, with bombings in homelands and the economic depression before hand, it was almost impossible to stay out of it.

  5. Total war is when everything goes and all the weapons are unrestricted and everyone involved even if its not on the front line. This war was total war because anything and everything was being used and everyone contributed towards the war and was involved one way or another.

  6. Total war is when, all citizens in a nation or country is involved in the war effort, this does not necessarily mean they are in combat though. This applies to WW2 because, even though not everyone was fighting, everyone was helping. Woman where at home knitting, cooking, canning and constantly sending care packages to soldiers as well as writing to them. They gave the soldiers something to look forward too, on top of that they dealt with rations and lack of everything. The also took over all the jobs that the men at war had vacated. The people who couldn't fight became, nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, etc.... A countries entire economy was being used to fight/support the war.

  7. Calina Williams15 May 2017 at 12:38

    Calina: Total War is war in which all citizens are involved in the war in some way. This applies to World War 1 because each military had their citizens contributing to the war, even citizens who were not involved in combat. Also because it involved countries all over the world and they needed to use their entire economies and populations while involved in the war.

  8. A total war is a war in which all citizens whether in combat or not, are involved with the war effort. One of the reasons why i think WW11 is considered a total war is because during that war, it was more socially acceptable for women to take part in the events of WW11 rather than in WW1. Also, more nations were involved in World War 2 than in World War one and these countries had to use their entire population and resources to participate in the war.

  9. Total war is a war where all citizens, involved in combat or not, participate in war efforts. WWII involved countries from all over the world, therefore you truly needed to use all economies and the entire population in order to participate in the war. Whereas in WWI where it was mainly centralized with the European powers.

  10. total war is war in which all citizens which in combat or not participate in war somehow, either by cooking food, or something to get involved. Total war applies to WW2 because mass mobilization of industry and civilians into war effort. Also the deliberate infliction of civilian casualties. Countries targeted destruction of civilian property, infrastructure, food, supplies, etc...Countries needed to have as many people fighting as possible, which cause innocent civilians to fight. -Jarret

  11. Total war is when all of the citizens either in combat or not participate in the war somehow, either by cooking food, cleaning or just getting involved. Total war apply's to WW2 because civilian causalities caused accounted up to 2/3 of the deaths. Since most of the civilians participated countries would target civilians because the civilians help out with the militaries many different ways. That is why WW2 was a total war. - Lyndon

  12. Braden-I think that world war 2 was a total war for the countries that took part. In WWI civilian deaths accounted for 1/10 of deaths, whereas in WWII they made up 2/3 of deaths. Close to all resources and all people were involved in WWII from the nations involved. The civilians, women and the military, make it obvious of being a total war. The woman also took over the mens jobs while they went to war. children were spies for the nazis.
