Wednesday 26 April 2017

The Great Depression

Image result for the great depression canada

The 1930s was a depressing time, economically and socially.  What were three examples why this was a difficult time?
Image result for the great depression canada


  1. This was a difficult time in history because there was high unemployment rates, and not very many jobs. The great depression was when there wasn't much money either, so lots of people didn't have enough food for themselves. Also, there wasn't much food, especially in Canada, because of various drought and the fact that wheat prices had went down a lot.

  2. Madison Three examples that the Great Depression was a difficult time are: 1.Many people with jobs had gotten fired because they didn't have enough wages to give to everyone 2. Lots of people had to go on welfare or get relife checks from the government and even those weren't enough to keep people from starving to death 3. Many businesses had to close down that once had profits of 398 million down to losses of 98 million

  3. Drew
    Three thing sthat proved that the 30's were a depressing time include: there was a 6 year drought, so there was hardly any agricutural that could be grown and everything was brown. Also the stock market crashed, and people starting taking all of their money out of the banks so that caused many banks to fail. and finally their was a very high unemployment rate, so people couldnt earn money.

  4. Three reasons the Great Depression was difficult are: The US stock market crashed, this lead to thousands of people becoming broke. At this time there was also a drought, this lead to crop failure and even more money loss. This was also a hard time becuase millions of people became unemployed, becuase no on could pay them to work. This led the goverment to start giving out relief checks, but some people where too proud to take them, so the GOV. had to find make work projects for people, so they could make money to eat and support themselves. ~Annie

  5. Three examples of why the depression was a difficult time for people would be because many people were below or at the level of a decent wage making it hard for people to purchase goods from the factories. Also the drought during the depression caused farmers to lose their farms and head for the cities where unemployment was at an all time high. And lastly, factories and business' were expanding rapidly and over producing more goods that were actually sold.

  6. The Great depression was a difficult time because 1 million people lost their homes, housing starts dropped 90%. Also many factory wages went from $0.55 per hour to $0.05 per hour. Lastly, Those who checked into hotels were asked "for sleeping or jumping?" It was a very difficult and depressing time. -Jarret

  7. The depression was a time when many people died and the economy had vanished. One of the examples why this was a difficult time was that their were no jobs because nobody was able to pay. To tie in with this and the second point no body had any money. No body had money because their were no jobs. So then with no income nobody was able to buy things so bussiness closed. And now to tie in with the third example many people couldn't eat. So with no businesses open no one was ableto purchase food so they would then starve to death. And lastly in the great depression their was not much water if you lived far from a water source so you would be dirty constantly and only be able to bath once a week and use the same water as the rest as your family. In conclusion the great depression was a difficult time and their were many other difficulties and these were only a few. - Lyndon

  8. Jayden B The 1930s was a depressing time because there was a economic disaster causing lose of jobs leaving evreyone without work secoundly the was a drought that lasted six years in the mid west leaving farmers without work and food lastly the wealth was not distrobuted very well meaning the rich stayed rich and the poor got poorer

  9. Calina Williams26 April 2017 at 12:36

    Calina: Three examples of why the Great Depression was difficult for many people across the world are: Drought, Government inaction, and Unequal distribution of wealth. Drought/grasshoppers destroyed most of the agricultural economy causing farmers to lose farms and search for any jobs in cities where unemployment was growing largely. Few governments were prepared to intervine in the economy which led to radical parties like the facists. Lastly, 70% of Americans were either at or below the level of decent living wage and were unable to afford most goods. Each of these things contributed greatly to the Great Depression.

  10. the great depression was a depressing time because of 1 big reason,and that is the stock market crash as black tuesdayhit Wall Street as investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost. people all across canada were also affected by this and as a result, many people died of starvation and not being able to feed their family, and couldnt afford to provide heat or shelter during the cold long winters.

  11. Braden. The 1930s was a difficult time because unemployement sky rocketed, poeple were starving, and tensions were very high. Unemoployement went up because of the stock market crash of october, 1929 where millions of investors dollars were turned into nothing. This caused half the banks in america to fail and business's to crumble. This left millions of poeple out of a job because no one could afford to hire them. Next. the poeple were starving because they couldn't afford food and farmers couldn't afford to make it because the wheat prices went down in the prairies and they couldnt afford to make more. lastly, Many countries were still recovering from the war such as Germany. Their money couldnt buy anything so they used it as toilet paper and with them being in such a bad state came the rise of Hitler to use fascism to gain power.

  12. The Great Depression was a difficult time for everyone. There was high unemployment with very few jobs. The government had to supply many relief cheques and support to many people while others were too confident to get money from the government. Also, factories and businesses were often producing more goods than they were able to sell. Lastly, in Canada the drought made it difficult for farmers to produce enough to survive which made them want to flee to the city where unemployment was also skyrocketing.
