Tuesday 23 May 2017

Allies of Mutual Enemy

The Soviet Union and the Western Allies of Great Britain, France, United States... were brought together more by a mutual enemy than by friendship and similar goals.  Agree or disagree with this statement... with an explanation!

Image result for map of WWII allies


  1. Madison i agree with this statement because none of the countries wanted to be taken over by Hitler and even though Hitler mostly wanted Britain, having the US and France on their side made it very difficult for him because they're 3 powerful countries. it was more by a mutual enemy than friendship because they all hated Hitler and wanted him out of the picture.

  2. I agree with this statement. France, Great Britain and the United States where all fighting to be 'top dog', they were more competitors than friends. When Germany attacked Poland, Britain and France put aside their differences to defend Poland and defeat an enemy. Than when Pearl Harbor happened the U.S put aside its differences to defend itself. During the war, they were together through a common enemy and the goal to defeat their enemy.

  3. I agree that the Soviet Union and the Western Allies of Great Britain, France, United States were brought together more by a mutual enemy than by friendship. Germany was breaking agreements and trying to take over other countries land and also build up their army. Although the western allies may not have agreed with the Soviet Union at times, they still all had the mutual agreement that what Germany was doing was wrong which is why they helped work together due to the similar enemy rather than a friendship.

  4. I agree with this because as Germany wanted all the land and made lots of enemies and all of the enemies had started working together to stop Hitler. So as all these allies of a mutual enemy started working together they started making progress when it came to stopping Hitler and Germany. So as that went on friendships and true allies has rose. - Lyndon

  5. I agree with this statement that Soviet Union and the Western Allies of Great Britain, France and United States were brought together from mutual enemy rather than friendship. Germany was attacking everyone and creating unnecessary waves, so even though all these countries may not have liked each other, they all had one thing in common, and that was that they didn't like Germany. -Jarret

  6. Braden I agree the Soviet Union and the Western Allies were brought together by a mutual enemy. Germany wasn't following their pacts and tried to grow their army by taking over other countries.Even though the soviet union wasn't liked by the allies because of communism, they agreed that Germany was a bigger problem so they worked together as frenemies to defeat everyones biggest enemy.

  7. I agree with this statement. To begin with, the US wasn't even planning on participating in the war until Japan attacked, meaning they began to fight beside Britain and France because these two countries were also fighting against Japan and Germany. The USSR only joined the war and joined the allies because Germany broke their mutual agreement of non-aggression. Britain didn't even do anything against Germany until they were forced to, so the fact that the allies and the USSR had a common enemy was the only reason they were fighting together.

  8. I agree with this statement. Germany was causing problems and they were all brought together by a mutual enemy. Even though the soviet union wasnt liked because of communism. germany was still a big enough enemy that they teamed up to fight germany.

  9. I agree with this statement. Germany was causing problems and they were all brought together by a mutual enemy. Even though the soviet union wasnt liked because of communism. germany was still a big enough enemy that they teamed up to fight germany.

  10. Jayden I agree that the allied powers were brought together by mutual enemies because the soviet union were also a radical government similar to the Nazis the only reason there was not war on the soviets is because they were not as public about their ambitions as Hitler the US didn't even plan on being in the war until japan started to take territory

  11. I agree with this statement. The only reason some of these countries were allied together was because they all had a mutual hatred for Germany. The USSR wasn't a big fan of the Western Powers because they didn't get a lot out of the Treaty of Versailles but allied with them because Germany broke their agreement of non-aggression. The US wasn't really allies with anyone before WW2 since they isolated themselves and remained apart from foreign affairs until Japan attacked them, resulting in the US becoming allies with Russia and Great Britain. Furthermore, Great Britain joined the war because Germany brought them in it by targeting them which made them allies with countries that didn't share the same goals as they did.

  12. Calina Williams1 June 2017 at 12:36

    I agree with this statement because the western allies didn't necessarily agree with the Soviet Union all the time. The U.S. didn't even want to be apart of the war until they were attacked at Pearl Harbor, so when they joined the war they were fighting Japan and Germany along side Britain, France and the Soviet Union. Also, the Soviet Union only joined the war because Germany went against their agreements they had the the Soviet union. So the only real reason the Soviet union, Britain, France, and the US were fighting together was because they all had one thing in common which was they wanted to stop Germany/Hitler.

  13. i agree with this statement because when some people have the same enemies, they tend to be better allies because they both believe that what they are doing and why they are hating on the same person, is for a good reason.

  14. DREW
    I agree the Soviet Union and the Western Allies were brought together by a mutual enemy. Germany wasn't following their pacts and tried to grow their army by taking over other countries.Even though the soviet union wasn't liked by the allies because of communism, they agreed that Germany was a bigger problem so they worked together to defeat everyones biggest enemy.
