Monday 10 April 2017

Totalitarian Rulers

Image result for Hitler stalin mussolini

The three historical totalitarian rulers we study in this unit (and the next) are Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini.  They have several similarities and differences but for this blog I would like you to list or describe at least 3 similarities among these leaders.


  1. All of them were power hungry. Each one of them were unfair and horrible to their people.Each of them had their own secret police system.

  2. Jayden Bannerman. All three leaders where absolute powers because they had absolute power over their countries, they all were nationlists who worshiped there own country, and they all had their own secret police to do there dirty work for them.

  3. DREW
    All three of these were all very hungry for power. All three of them had their own secret police systems, gestapo, cheka, and the blackshirts. And all threre of them were very unfair and did horrible things to their people.

  4. 3 similarities i notice between these 3 are, they are all very power hungry. They want to be the #1 leader. Also, they all are willing to use violence to get there way. And also, they have an entire group or single race they target. -Jarret

  5. Madison Three similarities that these rulers have are: they all claimed absolute power of the countries they ruled and wanted all of one race, they all had part in killing millions of people and they all went to extremes to make their contry the best like they killed people who weren't part of the race they wanted and destroyed things that weren't apart of it either. They are all evil.

  6. the 3 similarities i notice between the 3 amigos, are they are all very much powe hungry and they do anything to get that. also they will use violence to get that way. lastly, they all have a scaepgoat, they all have a certain group of people they do not like.

  7. Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were very similar between each other. One similaritie between the three were that they all had absolute control and power over their contries. Another similarite between them are they were very proud and were full of nationalism over their country and would use violence to get their way. Lastly they each had they own secret police services in their country that they named.That is three similarites between the three leaders. - lyndon

  8. Three similarities between these three rulers are: they all wanted complete loyalty from their people, 2 of the 3 leaders could accomplish this. They all went to extremes to make their country "great" again. They were willing to get violent to get what they want and didn't mind underminding people.They had no bounderies, or morals.

  9. All three of these leaders believed in total control of the government, so that they could be the ruler for all of their life. they all eliminated the people who opposed their form of government, communists for Hitler and Mussolini, and any type of liberal party for Stalin. Plus, they all had a distain for religion, although Mussolini dealt with it differently than Hitler and Stalin

  10. Braden. 3 similarities i see between Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler are all three were European dictators who are responsible for the death of millions of people. All three ran totalitarian regimes. The only one without large amounts of blood on his hands is Mussolini when compared to the other two. All three used propaganda, special police forces, fear, and intimidation to control their populations.

  11. Some similiarties between these tree leaders are that they all wanted racial purity. Stalin wanted pure Russians, Mussolini wanted pure Italians and Hitler wanted pure Germans. They didn't like people of the other race and favourited the race of their choice. Another similarity between the three leaders is that they all believed in war and violence. Mussolini created the Black shirts which grew to be quite a big military and used harsh violence and methods.Stalin used concentration camps for slave labour and also had his own secret police called the Cheka that became a symbol of terror. Furthermore, Hitler created the Nazi party, used concentration camps and also started a world war. Lastly, they all wanted to build their country up after the devestating war. All three countries were struggling with poverty, hunger and their governments were instable. They promised their people that they would re-gain their coutnries power that they lost during the war and made promises of more food etc.
