Tuesday 28 March 2017

Totalitarian Traits

Image result for totalitarian rulers cartoon

The 5 main acts/beliefs of a Totalitarian ruler, for the purpose of this course, are:  Extreme Nationalism, Devotion to a Ruler, Creation of a Scapegoat, Racial Purity and Belief in War and Violence.  We will study 3 rulers from the past who followed this quite closely:  Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler.  Are there any rulers from today or the recent past who follow this same model?  State your opinion and support with at least 1 example of how they fit this belief.


  1. Kim Jung Un, the leader of north korea displays the same kind of attributes of a totalitarian ruler such as hitler and stalin. He wants to have tottal control over everyone and wants all the power he can have, he threatens other countires with his nuclear weapons

  2. kim jung un resembles hitler,stalin, and mussolini in some ways. He wants complete control over everyone and is wild for having all the power he can get. he has some of the most powerful weapons such as nuclear weapons. There scapegoat is america because they blame anything thats bad on them.

  3. Kim Jong un is a totalitarian ruler because if anyone goes against him, they're jailed because they went against him and his conutry. no one is allowed to leave North Korea because Kim Jong Un thinks its the best country ever and that no one should even want to leave. There was even some speculation about him being connected with his estranged brothers death. people think he hired people to kill him because he left N.K. But that may or may not be true, i have no clue. Madison

  4. yes there are still totalitaration rulers today for example the leader of north koria kim jung ung because their scape goat is america they blame all their problems on the usa.Jayden.bannerman

  5. I don't know, because I don't pay much attention to other countries leaders, but I think that Donald Trump could definitely be classified as a totalitarian ruler, because he fits all the categories. Except maybe devotion to a ruler. Either way, he is quickly filling all the roles to be that type of leader. He created a scapegoat, in blaming Muslims and banning them from the country to create Racial Purity.

  6. Yes i believe that their are a few totalitarian rules still around today. 2 of these ruler are countries of their nations, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. These rulers have got much support from their followers and control their nation with great power. Though not everyone follows their beliefs they don't have much of a choice. These rulers have much in common because they both brain wash their supporters. This happened with Kim Jong Un not letting his country leave or let people in and they follow it without thinking twice. And so with Donald Trump they follow him because he makes promises like building a wall around America and kicking mexicans out. So yes, in conclusion their are still a few totalitarian rulers still today. - Lyndon

  7. christopher rhode31 March 2017 at 12:46

    of course i believe that there are other rulers from today who follow this model. Donald Trump falls under this category quite well. during his campaign for becoming president and during his presidency, he was most known for his strict immigration policy, and strongly believes his country is the best of them all. he has mentioned more than once also that there will be a "Wall" being built between the US and Mexican border, because he believes Mexican poeple are bad people.

  8. Calina Williams31 March 2017 at 12:52

    Calina W: Yes, Donald trump is a ruler today that follows these things. He follows extreme nationalism because he wants to make america great again and wants it to be the best nation in the world. He also follows racial purity because he is racist towards african americans and mexicans and he is especially racist towards muslims. He wants to deport mexicans and muslims because he doesnt beleieve that they belong in America. Trump also follows creation of a scapegoat because he blames all muslims for the ISIS terrorist attacks, even though thousands of muslims have nothing to do with ISIS at all. Trump follows belief in war and violence because at his rallies, if there were protestors he would encourage his followers to beat the protestors up in any way they could. He also said he could shoot someone on a street and no one woud care, then proceeded to say that that was amazing.

  9. In today's society, sadly there are still rulers that still follow the totalitarian acts and beliefs. One person that very strongly believes in these beliefs is the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.The people of North Korea are not aloud to have communication outside of their country and if want to leave, they have to escape. He finds his nation to be extremely powerful and wants extreme nationalism which is why he doesn't let them have communication out of the country. They only know about North Korea and not any information about other countries unless he wishes to tell them. He also has had all of his family members killed in fear that they would over throw him and has over 120,000 prisoners because they disobeyed him which shows that he wants extreme devotion to a ruler. Furthermore, no one is let in or out of North Korea. Kim Jong-un only wants his race to be part of North Korea and no one else. He has also been said to have forced all of the men to get the "traditional" North Korean hairstyle, also known as, the haircut he sports. And laslty, he strongly believes in war and violence. Like i said before, he killed most of the members of his family and always threatens other countries with nuclear attacks. Kim Jong-un is said to be a bloodthirsty madman and his power is so great in North Korea that no one dares to criticize him.
