Monday 13 March 2017

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was part of the Paris Peace Settlement that put an end to the First World War.  What was the goal of this peace settlement?  Do you believe the Treaty of Versailles helped meet this goal   Image result for treaty of versailles


  1. The goal for the treaty of versailles was to punish Germany for "starting the war" and to meet the goals of other allied powers. It was a long and complex process -Jarret

  2. The Treaty of Versailles goal was to get reparations from mostly Germany for all the damgage it caused; get Germany to take all blame for this war. Also to make sure a war like this never happens again. Ithink this treaty had made more tenstion between the countries because Germany wouldn't want to take all the blame for the war or pay the most. they thought it was unfair. Madison

  3. The goal was to punish germany so that they wouldnt have anymore wars.No it just made germany bitter that they were put in this position and wanted to have war more to show that they were the #1 power.

  4. The goal of the Treaty of Versaillies was to negotiate a peace settlement and punish Germany and meet the expectations to the allied countries of Paris. I believe in the end that the Treaty of Versailles helped meet the goal even though Germany didn't have an option, but in conclusion it helped end the first world war. - Lyndon

  5. Drew:

    The goal of the peace settlement was to build a treaty that would punish germany and meet the goals of allied powers. Yes i think the treaty of Verailles helped meet this goal because it made germany take responsibilty for the war

  6. The goal of the treaties were to make a system that would create long lasting peace. The Treaty of Versailles didn't meet this goal, because it left a lot of tensions unresolved. Russia, Italy, and several other countries were left out of the proceedings, and were revoked their promised rewards. Plus, the Balkan states were all lumped into their own government, when they just wanted to each be their own country. The other goals included taking reparations from Germany and the rest of the central powers. The treaty helped this goal because the allies did get their money back in the end, mostly from Germany.

  7. The Treaty Of Versailles, was a treaty at the end of WW1. Its goal was to, get reperations from the central powers (mostly Germany) for war damages, to decrease tensions and to make sure a war like this never happened again. There were other goals, but those where the main three. In some ways it met its goal and in others it didn't. I got to money from Germany from war damages, $32 billion to be exact. In some parts of Europe it decreases tensions, in others it did not. IN Germany I made tensions more, in France it decreased tensions. While it did take steps that could have made war like this impossoble, the steps backfired and made war inevitavle. It made Germany so desperate for something to put an end to there suffering, they did terrible things.

  8. the goal of this peace settlement was to make Germany accept the responsibility of Germany and its allies for causing all the loss and damage during the war. although ending the war was a big role in the peace settlement, making Germany pay for what it did was a major role in the peace settlement.

  9. The goal of this peace settlement was to reduce tensions between countries. The US wanted to a new order that followed Wilson's fourteen points, France wanted demilitarized zones and they wanted Germany to have to pay 30 billion dollars for the damage of the war, and Britain to take away Germany's power over the sea lanes because of what happened with the Lusitania. The Treaty of Versailles could've helped in some way for trying to meet this goal because in the treaty Germany took sole responsibility for the war.

  10. The different nations at the peace settlement all had different goals but they all still wanted Germany to pay for what they had done. America wanted a new distribution of power based on Wilson's 14 points for a lasting peace and also wanted to get repaid for its loans they sent overseas. Furthermore, France wanted national security since the war started in the first place because Germany tried to invade it and for Germany to pay over 30 billion dollars due to damage etc. Britain wanted to stay status quo and to do this they wanted to cripple Germany's navy and prevent the spread of communism. However, the Treaty of Versailles didn't quite meet these goals. Even though Germany had a maximum aount of 100 million men in their army and it was forced to give up their colonies, World War 2 still happened a short time period later in which Germany again caused a great amount of destruction.
