Thursday 16 February 2017

Western Front

The First World War, and specifically the conditions of the Western Front, ended the philosophy of the Glory of War... What does this mean?

Image result for wwi trenches


  1. it ended the Glory of War because there was so many ways people died that were so bad and it was when they started to use machine guns and the Germans used them to mow the soldiers down by shooting them in the knees. cities were ruined as well Madison

  2. Drew:
    The conditions of the western Front changed the philosophy of the glory of the war because all the young canadian men were exited and wanted to fight for their country but after months of living in the muddy,rat infest trenches with theier lice covered bodies, watching tons of people die. It suddenly didn't seem so glorious and exciting anymore.

  3. The conditions of the western front helped end the war in many different ways. One way it helped stop the war and era of the war for a little was all of the deaths happening. All the young soilders wanted to go and fight but once they got their they realized it was a terrible lifestyle. They were living in rat infested trenches. Mud filled, lice everywhere and having one set of cloths on at all times. Once they figured out what they got into they didn't want to as fight as much. And this helped to stop the war as they didn't want to fight as much and go home. - Lyndon

  4. Calina: This means that the effects of WW1 and specifically the Western Front ended the romaticization of war. Before the war, when the troops were leaving everyone was celebrating because they romanticized war. It was about honor and bravery and they only expected the war to last the summer. However the war lasted 4 years and during the 4 years the conditions were horrendous. It became slaughter, and with over 1 million casualties. It was cold, and they lived in trenches with rats and a lot of men ended up getting lice. So many horrible things happened and it lasted so long that it ended people's glorification of war.

  5. When they were in the trenches for weeks on end they were riddled with lice. Rats infested where they slept and walked through. Were covered in dirt and wore the same clothes without taking them off for months. People died all the time. They slept in a pile of dirt. Those are some of the reasons that ended the philopsophy of the glory of war.

  6. It took away glory because the conditions were so brutal. All the mud, rain, dead bodies, and they lived in the trenches for around 4 years. So many people died and it was just terrible, so it made the glory not so important -Jarret

  7. The conditions were brutal during this time. Men died in the trenches without being touched by the other army. Things got underhanded and nothing was done in honor anymore. You didn't win in WW1, you survived. People would just shoot a target of another man over and over and over. By far, the first world war was when man realized that war wasn't something to glorify, because nothing about it held much glory. It was brutal and very stressful for both sides.

  8. It means, that the conditions in the western front were terrible, and it made people fully realize that war is not all glory. Everyday thousand of people died, either in battle, wounds later, insects or drowning. I will use the trenches as an example, in the trenches you were walking in water, mud, and dead bodies. Somethimes you would not be able to shower, bath or get out of your clothes for months. You used the rats that scurried between your feet as tarket practice, you ironed your clothes to get rid of the lice that had taken up permanent residence. Not to mention the, dead bodies sitting beside you becuase you couldn't safely get them out. This went on for 4 years.

  9. Jayden Bannerman
    the glory of war ment war was glorious and you where to be proud to be in a war and fighting ww1 made people stop thinking this because ww1 was a terriable war the conditions where discusting and the casilties where tremmendus it made people truly see the truth of war and what it dose to men who died and survived.

  10. world war 1 took away the glory, because the soldiers were hoping for a glorious win but instead they were stuck in trenches for months and were forced to wear the same clothes they had been for months already.

  11. Before world war 1, war was considered glorious and everyone celebrated going to war, however, after the first world war ended, people realized that it wasnt something to celebrate, it was something to dread and worry about. The conditions of WW1 were anything but glorious. It went on for 4 years which was much longer than they anticipated and had millions of casualties. Furthermore, soldiers spent most of their time in the trenches that were filled with rats and everyone was infested with lice. Soldiers not only lived with the living but they also lived with the dead. They did not have time to remove the dead from the trenches so the stayed in their for months covered in mud and blood. In conclusion, the conditions on the Western Front made people aware that war was not something to praise.

  12. In the beginning the soldiers wanted to go to war and represent their country wihtout any hesitation. As WW1 went on the soldiers realized just how grousome it was. They had to dig miles of trenches without the proper nutrition to sustain energy. There were rats and lice in the trenches that made them dirty and they went months without a change of fresh clothes. When the war was coming to an end, there werent near as many people going to the army as there were in the beginning. braden

  13. The western front was so demoralizing because of all the death and fighting that was face to face. There were so many casualties and neither side really gained anything from it. The men in the trenches were living in harsh conditions and often had fleas or would get sick. The war was no longer glorified because people seemed to come to the realization of how destructive and dangerous it was.
