Wednesday 8 February 2017

International Tensions

Image result for World World 1 tension

We discussed 4 main tensions that were present in the world prior to the start of the First World War.  These tensions were Nationalism, Arms Race, Economic Rivalry and Alliances.  You also did research on examples of these that exist today.  What tension do you think was most prominent back at the start of the 20th century?  What tension do you think is most prominent today?  Give a brief explanation.


  1. i believe that nationalism was the most important or the most prominent because it intertwines with all the other ones. if you weren't a nationalist, you wouldn't care about your military as much. as well as if you weren't, you wouldn't be in wars with other countries about your economy. you wouldn't get into alliances with other countries if you didn't want to protect your country cause it was the best. Madison

  2. I think the most prominent tension at the start of the 20th century was nationmalism. Nationalism was taking pride in your country and willing to fight for it. Alot of wars started from nationalism. Now i think its economic rivalry. Because you need money to do anything now. Nothing is free -Jarret

  3. Calina: I think that the tension that was most prominant in the past was nationalism. This is because all of the other tensions would have came after nationalism. I also believe that nationalism is the biggest tension today because with Donald Trump, all he really cares about is "making America great again" in his own way.

  4. Drew-
    I think that back in the 20th century, Nationaism was the most prominent tension, because every country thought that they were number one and that that they could take over other countries which started wars. But i think that today Arms Race would be the most prominet tension because with todays technology its a race between different countries to see who can have the biggest most and more dangerous weapons.

  5. Id say that nationalsim was the most prominent tension that was happening back in the day, Because every country thought that they were the best and liked to show it and thats what started wars because each country got funny ideas to better their own country if it ment screwing another. The most prominent tension today is arms race because of the new advancments in technology and every country is trying to make or get their hands on the new weapon that will keep them at the top of the totem pole for power.

  6. Nationlism was more promenint back at the start of the 20th century because there were many tensions short but brutal wars prior to wwr 1 and the world was developing quickly and each country wanted to know who was going to be on top.Arms race is the most common today because of the rapid speed tecnoligy is advancing in the pass 20 years just like at the turn of the century new wepons are being created evrey day.Jayden Bannerman

  7. I think that nationalism is the most prominent tension before ww1 because all of the countries thought that they were the best and wanted to be ahead of all the other countries so that their people could have a strong economy military and all the new technology they desired. Today, i think the most prominent tension is the arms race because usa and other coutries like north korea are in a battle to see who can make the deadliest nuclear weapons and increase the technology in war. Donald trump also increased the navy, airforce and marines shortly after being elected.

  8. I believe the tension that was the most prominant in the 20th century as well as today, is nationalism. Extreme nationalism could be the cause of the other tensions. Nationalism is like the spark that starts all of the other tensions. It is a possibilty that the current nationalism ,such as the issues revolving around Donald Trump, could cause history to repeat itself and be the spark to start the other tensions such as arms race, economic rivalry and alliances.

  9. Katherine: In my opinion, nationalism was the tension that was most prominent back at the start of the 20th century. Everyone wants their country to be powerful and be the best which leads to competitions between different nations. If you want your country to be the best you will want to have the biggest army or have the biggest economy etc. This then also leads to alliances to help gain your countries power.

    I think in the present day, the most prominent tension would also be nationalism. Now numerous countries compete with each other to have the most powerful nation, army etc. We all strive to be the best and some countries will do anything to achieve that.

  10. Before WW1, the tention I think was most prominent is, nationalism. Nationalism is when you have extreme pride in your country and think it is the best. I believe this was most prominent becuase it led to the other 3 tentions, without it they wouldn't have had an arms race or built different alliences. Economic tension, would not have been as moajor as it was. Today I believe the most prominate tension is also nationalism. I believe this becuase, everyone knows about it. The average person would like to think, their country is the best. The average person will probaly also not know how or econimic stand point with the rest of the world is or who we are allied with, etc.... So this is the most wide spread tension.

  11. In the 20th century I believe that nationalism is the most prominet tension because it drives every country and person to try their best. Nationalism is also the cause for trying to have the best army, and to do this and take others you need alliances so its the cause for that as well. Nationalism is also the cause for trying to have the most money and best rescources. Now a days I believe nationalism is the most important still because it is still the cause for the three other tensions becauase everyone would like to represent their country and defend it to be the best. - Lyndon

  12. i think the main tension that was around back i the 20th century was nationalism because lots of the country's thought they were the best and when some people or places disagree with each other, thats how fights and wars start. and for the tesnion that is around today id say it is arms race between the american army and islamic army. some people say that is how terrorism was started and that was because of the arms race that went on between america and isreal.

  13. I think that nationalism is the most prominent today, because of he ISIS threats and the diversity between different nations. Plus, Trump is encouraging that the USA is better and can be better than other nations, which doesn't help. I also think this because while everyone knows about which country they think is best, not everyone will know who is in an alliance, or which countries economy is better. The tension that was most prominent back then was also nationalism, because Europe was separating, and countries were divided by their cultures, so lots of tension came from animosity towards the larger countries that took over the smaller ones.
    Chelsea Wooff
