Tuesday 24 May 2016

Tragedies of War

There's an old expression "All's fair in love and war".  We discussed several tragedies that occurred during WWII that seem to go far beyond that, on both sides.  Give a couple of examples of when war went too far and it was no longer "fair".


  1. An example of a tragedy in war that went too far was the battle of the Atlantic when the U.S.A was sending troops over to Britian, the boats had gotten taken down and blown up by German submarines. Hiroshima was another Tragedy that went way too far, when the U.S.A. bombed Hiroshima under the Britians consent.

  2. During WW2 there were quite a few times where poeple took things to far, and costed people deeply. For example the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two things that went way to far, the bombings killed over 129000 people. Another time where the war went to far would be when Japan bombed pearl harbor this was very unneeded and very devastating it killed over 2500 poeple and destroyed the states boats.

  3. There were quite a few times things went too far, one being Hitler with his concentration camps involving over 6 million people. Another instance uis when the USA decided to use nuclear warfare on japan. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were extremely unnecessary because of the civilians killed as well as the ever lasting effects of the radiation.

  4. war brought out aggression in many people, including leaders in times of war. it causes people to fight back, which is natural but there was quite a few times in history where things were taken too far. anytime there was people taken as prisoners of war was unfair. soldiers are there to live or die. not to be tortured and starved and worked to death. I'm sure most people would rather just be killed in war rather than live that way. another very obvious occurrence that was very unfair was the holocaust in Germany. so many innocent people were brutally murdered just for existing as the race they were, something they cant even control. any tragedy of war where innocent people are murdered is unfair and unjust in my opinion.

  5. the Holocaust was a very unfair point in the war. Hitler treated Jews as animals instead of human beings. Jews were sent to concentration camps, they were tortured, worked, starved and killed just because of their race. The Soviet prisoners of war was also very unfair, Germany had control over many Russians and treated them horribly. There was no need for Germany to treat torture them the way they did.

  6. The second world war was full of very many tragedies. Some of them could have been avoided. for example, when Hitler and Stalin started putting people into concentration camps. Many countries say that they had no idea what was going on, even some people from Germany and Russia said they had no idea the crimes that were being commit during this war. I find this very hard to believe with all the the other countries being so worried about Hitler and Stalin declaring war on them I think they would have probably watched very closely to what they and their armies were doing. As for the Germans and Russians who say they had no idea what was going on, I find it hard to believe that thousands of people could disappear and no one would suspect anything. I think more action should have been taken to stop the genocide. I feel like it could have been avoided if the countries came together and excepted refugees or is they used military to stop them.
