Tuesday 10 May 2016

Dr. Seuss: Political Analyst

What do the following cartoons tell about Dr. Seuss's attitude towards Hitler and the Nazi Party and the way in which other countries (specifically America) reacted?


  1. These cartoons drawn by Dr.Seuss say a lot about his views. I think that he thought that America should have stepped in sooner especially the second one where it shows that Dr.Seuss thought that the government didn't really care about the Jews being killed in mass numbers because it wasn't in their country and they were foreigners so they didn't matter. He also thought that the government thought that Hitler would eventually stop invading because he wouldn't have the funds or military to continue taking over other countries which wasn't the case. Finally Dr.Seuss thought it was pointless that the League of Nations were trying to a appease to Hitler because it obviously wasn't going to work because Hitler wanted to take over the world. In conclusion, Dr.Seuss did not agree with Hitler or how America and The League of Nations handled Hitler's invasions and violence.

  2. By looking at these cartoons, Dr. Seuss definitely did not like Hitler and his ways of running Germany. In these drawings, Dr. Seuss mocks Hitler in a subtle way. Dr. Seuss uses sarcasm in a way to portray how Hitler treated people. The U.S. did not want to be part of the second world war, so they were trying to sit back and let everything play out, that plan ended up not working though, because eventually the U.S. was brought into the war.

  3. these cartoons show how Dr. Seuss feels about Hitler. he is showing how much he hates Adolf. DR. Seuss is showing how Adolf is a horrawful person. Also these drawings are showing how little people are doing to stop Hitler and they are thinking that he will stop at one country and not move on.

  4. We can see by these cartoons that Dr. Suess did not agree with Hitler's ways of government. These cartoons make fun of Hitler, but also educated america on Hitler's wrongdoings. They show how america knew what was happening, but continued not to intervene and break out in war for a while, because they didn't think Hitler would continue to take over outside of Germany. it also sheds light on the appeasement ordeal, and how the Nazis were much bigger and much more powerful than an agreement. Dr.Suess most obviously knew that Hitler was a very powerful, very cruel man, and spoke out to Americans through his cartoons to influence his opinions.

  5. Dr.Seuss didn't like Adolf Hitler cause all he wanted was to take over countries and control more so he would do anything if something got in his way so. Dr. Seuss use cartoon drawings to show how Adolf Hitler treated people. And that the U.S should of step in long time ago.

  6. The 1st cartoon is about the League of Nations trying to stop the hitler regime. All they did was slap his hands and say please stop. They were scared of Hitler. The 2nd cartoon is about Hitlers ways of treating people. Saying foreign people dont matter, and also, the book is being told to a little kid, teaching them that it isnt wrong to be that way. The 3rd and final one is about the USA standing back and watching it unfold. They thought eventually Hitler would get tired and just quit. they didnt care because he wasnt attacking them. Then when they finally intervened,They seemed like the heroes even though they hardly did anything.

  7. Dr. Seuss represented America as people who did not care about the mass murder of Jews and that they were bribing/spoon feeding Germany other things so that they would not be bothered with it. Dr. Seuss did not agree with the way America was handling the situation and did not agree with Hitler's totalitarianism.

  8. These cartoons show that Dr. Seuss had some very strong views on hitler and the way he runs things. Dr. Seuss thinks that what Hitler is doing is savage just like what the second picture is showing us. in the last picture it is hinting toward the u.s sitting back and watching the war from the side lines thinking that it will just die out by itself which ended up not happening.

  9. these cartoons show Dr. Seuss's hate for Hitler and his distaste in how america waited till the very end to join into the war. Dr. Seuss uses sarcasm to do deal with intense real life problems, like in the first cartoon it shows how the Nazis baited the Jews and always had the promise that they would soon return home. in the second one it shows how Dr. Seuss uses comedy to represent Hitler not caring and wanting to exterminate the other races.On the third picture it represents how Dr. Seuss hated how the U.S.A handled WW2, if the U.S had have stepped in earlier it could've save the allied forces thousands of troops.

  10. These cartoons really show the viewer, that Dr.Seuss does not like Hitler and his political views on how to run Germany. These cartoons clearly show how Hitler treated people, IE: In the one cartoon it shows that Hitler didn't care about Jews being killed. Dr. Seuss is trying to make that clear, by making fun of Hitlers foolish ways. Dr.Seuss clearly did not agree with Hitlers ways of running Germany.
