Sunday 7 February 2016

Powder Keg of Europe

The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was seen as the trigger that put WWI into motion.  We have looked at four tensions that helped cause WWI: Nationalism, Alliance Systems, Arms Race & Economic Rivalry...  Give your opinion:  Do you believe WWI would have happened whether the assassination had happened or not?  Justify your response.


  1. i think that the war would have eventually happened without the assassination. there was too many tensions within the Europe for there not be a war. it may have happened differently and maybe with different alliances but it was bound to have happened eventually. the assassination simply sped up the process and made it occur earlier than it probably would have.

  2. I believe it would've happened anyways, its just that the assassination that made it happen like that. If it didn't happen, it would've taken more time for the same ordeal to happen. Germany and Britain's arms race was going to start a war anyways

  3. Yes i believe that the WW1 would have happened. The reason why i believe that is because, the countries were flexing there army muscles. So eventually one of the countries would have made a bad move and then a full out brawl.

  4. I believe that WWI, without the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, would've found a way to begin. The tension the countries was too thick that the assassination was the feather that broke the camels back. The two countries were just waiting for something, big or small, to happen so they could declare war on the other.

  5. the world war 1 would of happen anyways because there some places that wanted more power then other people so yea the world war would of happened anyways if the assassins a nation didn't happen

  6. I think that the war still would've happened, even if Ferdinand did not get assassinated. The tensions were still there, before Ferdinand was killed. Because Nationalism, the arms race, economic rivalry and alliances were happening so often, in my opinion the war would've happened eventually. If Ferdinand wasn't assassinated, then something else would've started the war instead.

  7. Yes i think that the war would have happened anyway because everyone was already building up their armies and people like Germany were flexing there power to much, which was making everyone mad and uncertain about them. So if people kept building up there armies and flexing their power than obvious there would be a war because they all wanted the most power and soon one of the groups would end up losing their chillin and declare war.
