Sunday 31 January 2016

100 Years Ago...

Your only personal recollections will likely be from the 21st Century.  In History 20, we take a journey through the 20th Century and discuss the impact it has on our world today.  From our brief conversations thus far, what are 2 areas where you see the biggest change in the past 100 years? For each of these areas, give a statement that explains why you chose it,



  1. technology and education, which are in a way intertwined. technology because we are able to do so much more electronically then we were 100 years ago and even 20 years ago. along with that comes the change in education. Schools get bigger, more teachers, classes got seperated, students can use computers and the internet as well as smartphones.

  2. The 2 areas that had the biggest change was technology and transportation. the reason why i picked technology is, because back in the 20th century they had t.v's that were black and white then they upgraded to color and then bigger and wider t.vs.

    the other one was transportation. the reason was because they first were using horses then carriages then they upgraded to vechicals that went faster. then they kept on getting faster with each inventions.

  3. I feel like two Big changes would have to be the invention of air planes and also the wins of the world wars. the Air Planes let us travel far distances and let us fly which has been a long time human dream. Also the the world wars made us push our technology forward and create new things that helped us win the war, such as tanks and submarines.

  4. The two areas where I see the biggest improvements in the last 100 years are technology and human rights.

    Technology has improved dramatically. The personal computer was invented in 1976, and now in 2016 everyone has a cellphone which is exactly like a computer and telephone rolled into one. We also have machinery that water and harvest our crops for us. Back 100 years, people did the farming by hand and with the help of animals. Now, there are machines that farm all by their selves with little human help.

    Human rights have been a roller coaster ever since we have realized what race and religion actually was. Back then there was slavery and major segregation with the Jews, Blacks, and First Nations with residential schools, slavery, and world war two. Today, there is still racism but we're slowly becoming more accepting of each other and will hopefully soon overcome this disgusting hurdle in human history.

  5. I believe that the biggest changes have been the change in technology. Back then there wasn't iphones, high tech computers or the many ways of communication there are today. 100 years ago, they had to ride horses instead of a luxury vehicle. They had type writers instead of computers which was advanced for that time. Another huge improvement we've seen has been in the area of medicine. Penicillin was invented, but nowadays there is so much more that can be treated. We have cures for many "used to be deadly" diseases such as the black plague.

  6. There are two major areas where we have developed over these years. And they would be technology, and medicine, because there have been more discoveries of herbs and plants that can help some types of diseases. Also there have been more technology breakthrough over this time like television. Those are the two groups that have developed over this time period.

  7. i think that the 2 things that have been the biggest change are probably medicine, and technology. I chose these 2 because if medicine wouldn't have changed like it does we wouldn't be able to save people like we do today, the death count would be way higher. And i chose technology because it has made life way easier and more manageable. we can now talk to people across the world in an instant without even moving our feet. The changes and improvements in technology and medicine have modeled and shaped the way we live if we didn't have these changes life would be totally different.

  8. Technology and Education were the two biggest two changes I saw. Back then, people traveled by horse, Everything was done by using manual labour, they heated their houses and cooked using wood stoves, they had no electricity, and much more. in Modern society, we now have vehicles to get us around everywhere, we can have light 24/7 because of the electricity we now have, we have machines and devices that can do farming, processing and a lot of other different and amazing things. The amount of technology we have now, is a huge amount, compared to what they had 100 years ago. Education 100 years ago was very limited. There would only be one school with one teacher from grades 1-8 (it could vary). Children, a lot of times, did not get the proper education they needed, because it was not offered. We now have an awesome education system with many courses that are offered. It is much more complex and better now, than it was back then.
