Thursday 12 February 2015

The Inevitable Start to WWI

The international tensions present at the start of the 20th century included:  Nationalism, Alliance System, Economic Rivalry and Arms Race.  Which do you believe was the most instrumental cause of the First World War?  Give a brief justification for your opinion.


  1. I think it was the arms race because building up you military is a blatant sign that you're preparing for a fight -- Hayden S.

  2. I think Nationlism is the main cause of the war, and all of the other things are little branches that connect from trying to be the biggest and most powerful country around!

  3. Nationalism caused ww1. Countries thought they were the best and when others disagreed, it caused big disagreements and later, a war.

  4. Nationalism was the major cause of WW1 because every country has the belief that they are the best and want to gain as much power as they can. With the belief that they are superior or want to be the countries started to join to the fight to try to gain more power like Germany who was a prime example of that.
