Friday 30 January 2015

Early 20th Century

The world at the turn of the 20th century was ripe with change...technologically... politically... economically... socially...  Give an example or 2 of how these changes helped create tension in the world!


  1. Industrial revolution caused rivalry between the countries, they wanted to have the best in all aspects. The industrial boom fed the arms race.
    --Brianne M

  2. When other countries got newer technology and others did not, the ones that didn't got jealous and started fighting with whatever they had.

  3. They helped create tension because they caused more rivalry. Everyone was striving to be the best. Even if they had to start a fight to do so -- Hayden S

  4. It caused rivalry from each country battling for the best of the best.. Either weapons or technology or even the economy, everyone wants to be the top dog and will do anything to achieve it.
