Sunday 3 March 2013

The 2 Fronts of WWI

There were mainly two fronts where World War One was fought.  It is fair to say that the war on the Western Front was very different compared to the war on the Eastern Front.  What would be at least 2 differences between  these two wars?


  1. On the western front in an effort to break the stalemate new military technology was created like gas attacks tanks and aircrafts while on the eastern front it was more traditional with huge land attacks and regular artillery.

  2. the Eastern front the German and the Austrians defeated the Allied forces, in particular defeated Russia.The war along the western front led the German government and its allies to sue for peace in spite of German success elsewhere.The Eastern front was fought a more traditional war of infantries, with large massive land attacks. The western front fought with newer technology such as the gas bombs and planes.

  3. Two differences between the fronts are:
    1. The moral the westernt front had more moral becasue they had new troops coming in and there were not getting destroyed. The east was getting destroyed by germany and they lost the will to fight.
    2. The mobility the western front was stuck in the trenches and the eastern front was gaining and losing land constantly.

  4. The Western front was very stationary and dug in, while the Eastern front was quit mobile. On the West, the Germans and the Allies,they tried ending the war faster so they introduced new military technology, including poison gas, aircraft, and tanks. While on the eastern front they kept the war traditional of infantries, with large massive land attacks and the use of conventional artillery.

  5. hey its baby beanz! =D xD :) the western front was not getting destroyed their were settled down holding it up. Been in trenches most the time.

    the eastern front on other hand was geting destroyed, were loosing. gain some land, but end up loosing some.
    <3 xoxo im such a sweat heart, :)

  6. On the western front the moral was a big part of them they had alot to keep them fules durning the war...they had the will power to fight an get through it with out loosing the battle against Germany. The western front had the idea to use the trench system they stuck with it and it worked very well for them . When geany tried to end the was they used a whole bunch of new technology such as air craft,chlorine gas, bombs and so on..
