Sunday 17 March 2013

After the Great War

Once the war was over and the peace treaties were signed, soldiers returned home to a very different world.  Choose a country:  Canada, United States, Germany, Russia, Germany, France... and describe a couple of differences that were in place post WWI compared to pre-WWI. 


  1. Germany; Prior to WW1 they were very well suited up to fight for more land. They believed they would be able to take over more land and conquer nations. After the War, Germany was over 32 Billion $ in debt they had to pay over so many years and they had lost many citizens of the German Country. Now they were to blame for the first world war which they agreed to taking that responsibility at its full in order to get out of the war.

  2. Pre WWI women were expected to stay at home and take care of the house but after the war women were able to work outside the home and have more rights!

  3. Before the war the U.S. was neutral and wanted nothing to do with the war. They wanted to keep piece. But then when they Lusitania got sunk by the British with 128 american civilians on board, the U.S. went into war. The U.S. didnt sign the treaty of Versailles, instead they signed separate peace treaties with Germany and the allies.

  4. Canada: the women took over all the men's jobs and were still fighting for their rights. The male population in Canada was almost whipped out because of all the men that went to war and did not return.

  5. Those who returned from the war trenches had shattered bodies and illusions. They found that there was a world-wide depression. Women, workmen and unions who had important contributions to the war effort, were unwilling to return to the tradional order or society. European societies had to rebuild their social organizationss also.

  6. in russia the economy was in the dumps after the war and they had lost a lot of thier population and land because of the treaty of brest-litovsk. There was a russian revolutuin going on as well.
    Logan Domes

  7. After the war Canada come home feeling illusion they had shattered limbs the had depression and many other symptoms after the war.. And all the same woman took over the mans jobs cause the male population was just about gone cause many did not come back from the war...
