Wednesday 26 September 2018

From Moderate Reform to Violent Revolution

How and why did the moderate reforms of the National Assembly become violent?
Do you agree with turning to violence in this situation?  Explain briefly.


  1. the moderate reforms became violent because few of the french people were satisfied with the new limited monarchy, so radicals wanted to become a republic instead. nobles began to flee to other countries and try to plan an attack on france after a skirmish with the other countries king louis the 16th was tried for treason and killed. after more attacks the national convention created the committee of public safety and gave them dictatorial powers, they then began a bloody slaughter on "enemies of france" led by maximillion robespierre. finally this slaughter was ended by the execution of Robespierre.
    in a way this was the right thing to do because it successfully cleared out a lot of french up risers and began a new start for the country.

  2. It became violent because the radicals wanted a republic and not a monarchy right at that moment. Nobles thought the constitution went to far so they fled the country not to short after this.This angered the national assembly so they brought them back and executed them at the guillotine.I think it also wasn't the right choice to turn to violence as soon as they did but if the constitution didn't change in a few year then i feel it would have been justified.

  3. It became violent because the third estate gathered on a tennis court and refused to disband until the constitution include the national assembly, which eventually snowballed into to the French revolution. after the execution of the king of France the national convention took drastic measures to stop the revolution they created the committee of public safety which killed a lot of people. I do not believe that violence was the appropriate response to the French revolution.

  4. The people of the third estate in the national assembly grew impatient and became fed up with the old system. as a result, tensions grew and conditions worsened in France. The real violence began when a new radical government was elected by the third estate, they were known as the National Convention. This new government was responsible for executing King Louis XVI. From this point on, began the reign of terror which was a period that was relentlessly violent. In my opinion, i think that in order for the system to change that this event in history was necessary. Although i do not agree that executing so many people was right, i do think that the third estate had to stand up to fight for themselves or else the system would have never changed.
    -by Kaitlyn Gies
