Sunday 3 February 2013

Early 20th Century

The beginning of the 20th century was one of change - politically, economically, technologically.... How could all these changes help lead to tensions among countries?


  1. There could be many tensions between countries to try and be better than eachother by getting ahead in industrialization, technology and taking over other less advanced countries for trading purposes. In the political world people would be trying to have treatys and stuff like that with other countries to try and get ahead but that could fall through and cause more tension.

  2. Politically; All country leaders were trying to expand their power amungst the surrounding countries making themselves seem like the 'superpower'. Economically; Countries were growing in numbers and creating jobs for civilians. There was still lots of unresolved disputes over teritories that was causing tension. Alliance statements were left unsigned in some cases making the previous alliance invalad. Technology was increasing with new discoveries, the countries were all trying to create some kind of weapon against another creating tension because no country knew which one was more successful making them stronger in general.

  3. Problems such as being behind in the industrialization. Problems in the weapons race, getting more fire power yo be able to rule over others. Same with the economy. The more money the more power the other has.

  4. hi =)its baby beanz and the tensions lead to these countries cuase people wanted more land and more power an better weapons and economic, more money more power. :)
