Monday 19 June 2017

Greatest Impact

We have touched on many events of the 20th Century - realizing it's impossible to cover everything!!  Which event(s) do you think had the greatest impact on your life? No wrong answers - just give a quick explanation!

Image result for 20th century history


  1. Madison I believe the Holocaust had the most impact on my life to be honest because you hear about it a lot more than the other events we have covered. its the most that pops into my head when you think about war,and although more horrible things have happened, this is the one that gets more talked about

  2. I think that WWII has had the biggest impact on my life because i hear about it all the time and it is always the first thing i think of when i think of war. It is also because i learned about it first, before any other war.

  3. Justice Loehndorf19 June 2017 at 12:55

    I feel like all of the events we had learned about made an impact on my life. I found it very interesting to be informed about events such as WWI and WWII that have shaped and developed our country.Before WWI Canada wasn't even recognized as its own country but was simply under the British Empire. Now Canada is a strong independent country but things could be a lot different if it wasnt for the war therefore i feel like it had the largest impact on my life.

  4. Calina Williams19 June 2017 at 12:56

    I think the events that likely impacted my life the most were probably WW1 and the Holocaust. I think this because those two events were very gruesome and showed how people had no remorse for people that they thought were lesser than them and this really opened my eyes as to how maybe if people were more loving and caring back then, then maybe these events wouldn't have been as tragic. It's made me realize how the world needs more love and less hate and has made me want to spread kindness where ever I go. Also, those two events were the ones that I found most interesting because they were both such different experiences than life today.

  5. All of the events that we covered this year have all had a big impact around the world, but i think the one that had the greatest impact was the Holocaust. Even today, racism is all around us and different ethnic groups are targeted by others. The Holocaust was the biggest event of genocide in history killing over half of all European Jews and those survivors will be forever traumatized. It has made us realize not to except our leaders just because they promise something. Hitler promised to build up Germany, but many people didnt know he had to destroy others to do this.

  6. I think the event that had the greatest impact on my life was when people were immigrating from Hungary and Ukraine. Everyone was immigrating because the conditions in Europe were terrible and it was a terrible place to live so mass amounts of people were leaving. This impacted me because its the main and only way that i would have been born so my old family had to sacrifice lots leaving and it effected lots later on. Thats why the immigration had the biggest impact on my life -lyndon

  7. I belive that there were many things that happened in the 20th century that impacted the world. The ones that I belive impacted me the most would be, WW2 and the cold war. WW2 Becuase it started my passion for history, the first history book I read on my own time was about WW2, and it is what spiked my interest in all of the worlds history. Without WW2, it would have taken me longer to develop my passion for history and reading. The cold war Becuase, My parents grew up in the time of the cold war, the 60's and 70's, even though it was the end of the war, I belive that it helped shape them into who they are and henceforth shaped me into who I am. That is why I chose WW2 and the cold war.

  8. People immigrating from Germany in the late and early 1900's had the biggest impact. Because that's how I'm here today cause my great grandparents immigrated to Canada.

  9. The event that has the biggest impact on my life would be when people started immigrating to Canada from Norway and Europe because if that didn't happen then our family wouldn't have been started

  10. The biggest impact that the 20th century made on my life, would be the great depression. It impacted my life because my grand parents came to Canada because of the great depression, And if it weren't for them i wouldn't be here so it's impacted me quite greatly lol

  11. Jayden Bannerman the things that had the greatest impact on my would have to be the change in music because it has changed rapidly in the last 80 years from gosspil to rock n roll the things that the songs exspress influenced lots of my decisions in life

  12. The biggest impact on me was the holocaust. It taught me how tragic and crazy war really was, with 11,000,000 deaths total. And it taught me the importance of life and how people would risk their lives to free their country. Its amazing what people will do for their country, and in the end i think the holocaust impacted me the most -Jarret

  13. Braden I think that the great depression had the greatest impact on my life because it affected Saskatchewan people the most. grasshoppers, hail and drought destroyed millions of acres of wheat. The drought caused massive crop failures, in 1928 farming income was over 300 million, by 1933 it dropped to 11 million. The Great Depression altered the way westerners viewed the federal and provincial governments, and in the late 1930s the cooperative commonwealth federation (CCF) became a voice of the people in Saskatchewan. It insisted on protection for the family farms, supported organized labor, and demanded insurance to cover illness, old age, accidents, and unemployment.
