Monday 21 May 2012

Canada & World War II

Canada contributed to WWII's total war effort by fighting on land, sea and air; by going to Western Europe, Italy and Hong Kong... Canadians at home contributed as did Canadians overseas... Give a couple of specific examples of Canadian involvement in the Second World War.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Total War

The Second World War (WWII) was a Total War much like WWI except "the killing machines were more efficient and more deadly" (p. 105).  Explain this statement by giving a couple of different examples.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Between the War Years

1919-1939 marks the years between the two major wars of the twentieth century.  Although a short period of time, history saw the boom of the 20s, the bust of the 30s, the rise of totalitarian rulers and the fall of traditional governments.  Technology changed transportation, communication, entertainment and society's overall way of life.  In your opinion, what was a significant event from this time period that has impacted our society to this day?  Explain briefly. 

Sunday 22 April 2012

Pacifism vs. Aggression

Did pacifism (the belief that disputes should be settled by peaceful means) promote or discourage international agression during the 1930s?  Give an example that would support your view.  You may consider the League of Nations, some pacts that were established or  territorial disputes that occurred around this time.

Sunday 15 April 2012

The Depression

The Great Depression of the 1930s was felt throughout the world, however, it is said that people from industrialized nations felt it worse than those from non-industrialized nations.  How could that be?

Sunday 1 April 2012

Totalitarian Rulers

Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin were three totalitarian rulers who we study during this unit.  Give specific information about these men that qualify them as totalitarians.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Post World War I

Extremist political parties rose all over the world following World War I.  Post WWI Europe was more likely to accept and join these extreme political views than post war North America.  Why?

Sunday 4 March 2012

European or World War?

It has been said that World War One was a European War that brought the World to its stage.  Would you consider the First World War a World War or a European War?  Justify your view.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Canada Becomes a Nation

Canadian soldiers returning from Vimy Ridge

Vimy Ridge War Memorial

Canada gained recognition as a country with World War I.  They entered the war as part of the British Empire and came out of the war with its own identity.  Agree or disagree with this and give a brief explanation.

Sunday 12 February 2012


(British Troops at Ypres)

(Reading in a German Trench)
The trenches of the Western Front are symbolic of the First World War.  How?

Sunday 5 February 2012

International Tensions

The main causes of tension that helped cause the First World War are said to be:  Nationalism (an intense feeling of loyalty to a nation), Economic Rivalry (the key to political and military strength), Arms Race (flexing muscles/power), and the Alliance System (agreements between two or more countries).

It has been said that these tensions still plague society.  What is your reaction?

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Welcome to History 20!!
History 20 attempts to cover the 20th Century - the bloodiest century in history!  We will cover from World War I to the end of the Cold War.  We will also be discussing current issues. 

Each week there will be a post and you are invited / encouraged to comment.  If you are not comfortable blogging, you are more than welcome to hand in a journal instead. 

Major assignments and tests will also be listed on this site, so try to stay current!

I look forward to this course each year!  I hope you can enjoy the stories from the past century!